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Taylor Swift - Timeless (Taylor’s Version) [From The Vault] Превод текста


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Tu u bloku postoji jedna antikvarnica
i nešto mi u glavi reče 'Stoj!', pa sam ušla.
Na pultu je stajala jedna kartonska kutija
na kojoj je pisalo 'Fotografije - 25 centi jedna'.

Na crnoj beloj slici videh mladu iz 30-ih i
školski par kako smejući se sedi na tremu kuće svog prvog komšije.
Bila je to ona ljubav koju nađeš samo jednom u životu,
ona ljubav od koje ne odustaješ.

Tad sam te pozvala i bilo mi je jako teško da ti objasnim,
ali u tim slikama sam umesto njih videla nas
i nekako sam shvatila da bismo se ti j ja svakako pronašli
u nekom drugom životu i da bi mi ti privukao pažnju
čak i da smo se sreli

1944. na prepunoj ulici,
onda kad bi se ti spremao da odeš u rat.
I dalje bi bio moj,
bili bismo vanvremenski.
Čitala bih tvoja pisma svake noći
i molila se Bogu da ćeš opet zdrav doći
i ti bi bio dobro,
bili bjsmo vanvremenski.
Jer, nekako verujem da nam je ovako suđeno,
pa čak i u nekom drugom životu ti bi bio moj,
a mi bismo bili vanvremenski.

Morala sam da se nasmejem kad mi je privukla pažnju
slika jednog tinedjžerskog para na prilazu,
kakk se drže za ruke na putu do igranke,
a na poleđini je pisalo '1958.'

Što me je i podsetilo na tren kad sam te prvi put videla,
vreme je stalo, baš kao i u ovoj antikvarnici.
Mislila sam o tome dok sam razgledala naokolo
ove dragocene stvari koje je i vreme zaboravilo.

Tad sam naišla i na knjigu svu u paučini,
ljubavnu priču ubijenu od strane sudbine.
Baš kao i mi, zaljubili su se pre stotinak godina,
a ja bih isto tako umrla za tobom
da sam te prvi put videla

1950-ih u nekoj stranoj zemlji
gde sam bila primorana da se udam za drugog.
Ti bi i dalje bio moj,
a mi bismo bili vanvremenski.
Čitala bih tvoja pisma svake noći,
a zatim pobeglani ostabila sve za sobom.
Ti bi i dalje bio moj,
a mi bismo bili vanvremenski.
Jer, nekako verujem da nam jr ovako suđeno,
pa čak i u nekom drugom životu ti bi bio moj,
a mi bismo bili vanvremenski.

Vreme lomi tvoju psihu i telo,
ali ne dozvoli da ti dopre do duše.
Kao u nekom starinskom filmu
kad si me prvi put video,
tad je i krenula naša priča kad si rekao 'Zdravo!'

U prepunoj sobi pre nekoliko godina
i ponekad ti ne treba dokaz, jer jednostavno znaš.
Ti ćeš uvek biti moj,
a mi ćemo biti...

Voleću te i kad nam kosa pobeli
i imaćemo kartonsku kutiju punu životnih slika
i ti ćeš reći 'O, Gospode, stvarno smo bili vanvremenski!'

Bićemo vanvremenski, vanvremenski.
Ti bi i dalje bio moj,
a mi bismo bili...

Pa i da smo se sreli na prepunoj ulici 1944.
ti bi i dalje bio moj,
a mi bismo bili...

Tu u bloku postoji jedna antikvarnica
i nešto mi u glavi reče 'Stoj!', pa sam ušla.

Још текстова песама из овог уметника: Taylor Swift

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I am Moana

[Gramma Tala:]
One girl of the island
Isn't like the rest of the girls
She loves the ocean and the water
And hundreds of people are proud of her
Life might seem tough
A life that leaves behind pain in the heart
The pains will heal and dreams are what'll

Life events teach us,
And we follow those we love
But nothing can hold back
The whisper inside of us
And when it asks 'Who am I?'
Moana, you know
Moana, come on, say it, don't you know?

Who am I?
I am a girl who loves the island
And loves the water of the ocean
It calls me
I am the daughter of the chief
Descended from sailors (voyagers)
Who roamed the sea and the seas
(They) call me
Just like you, I've overcome dangers
And spread my sails
Everything I've seen still calls me

That hidden sound still calls me
Just like waves that fill my imagination
You'll remain in my heart, a sound that reminds me
that whatever path I take
I am Moana!


On the Path That I Take

On the path that I take
Shines the sun, shines the moon
Shine love, light and power
Every day and every night

Even if the destination is far
It is the path that keeps me up
In my heart shines a star
That guides me through this world

Whatever happens to me
On my journey over the sea
I always have trust
In the path that I take


Doraemon, you, will make true

Look where I look, go
where I go,
you are into my heart. (You are into my heart)
You fill my dreams.
I want to go through doors,
travel around the world.
—The take-copter!

I want to fly through the sky and
watch with your adventures,
go to a far country.
Quick, now open the door
and, like that, we all together, can go.
—Anywhere door!

I know that one day I will get older
and, maybe, I will forget this,
but you never stop thinking
that friendship will join us.

Xa-la-la-la-la. The dream will shine,
it never turns off. Don't stop dreaming.
Doraemon, you, will make true
all the wishes I dreamed about.

Xa-la-la-la-la. Let's sing a song.
We have to stick each one around, give all us the hands.
Doraemon, you, fill of your color
all this world all we happy will be.


Your Scent

Your scent reminds me of a fountain's water,
And it's a mystery how water turns to fire within you...
Your scent is arousing, it's innocent
And it even seems to be stronger when you're absent!

I don't know whether you lend its perfume to your scent,
For I feel that nobody else has a scent like yours
Maybe you are the one most desired by your scent,
I even suspect that it envies you.

It's the essence
That lives in this fado's very skin,
It's a lewd thing
That leaves my song like this, completely drunk.
It's an aroma lighter than shadow, softer than light:
Your scent blends both water and fire!


It's a smell that bludgeons my five senses,
What I'm seeing with my ears is becoming part of me.
How is it possible for your scent to be able
To reach everything and even make my smile fragrant?

And in this scented hour, which becomes eternal,
Your smell is more than a scent of certainty
It's a way for me to feel that time itself
Has already managed to soak your scent into longing.

It's the essence
That lives in this fado's very skin,
It's a lewd thing
That leaves my song like this, completely drunk.
It's an aroma lighter than shadow, softer than light:
Your scent blends both water and fire!



It's the essence
That lives in this fado's very skin,
It's a lewd thing
That leaves my song like this, completely drunk.
It's an aroma lighter than shadow, softer than light:
Your scent blends both water and fire!